Updates Abound
Happy Labor Day! I hope that you are able to see some of the wonderful images of the labors of our members and friends in this coming Sunday’s online Service of the Word. We will be joined again by Bishop Gohl as our preacher and I will be offering a special Labor Day prayer for the community. As we officially mark the end of summer, I would like to update you on some of the updates at St. Stephen’s.
We had a successful usher training this previous Sunday – however we are in need of about another four people willing to volunteer. There are roles from sitting at a welcome desk to the typical ushering of folks in and out of the pews. You can let me know of your interest by emailing me
We are preparing to upgrade our in-person worship by the installation of two new display panels. This means that we will have a hands-free option for the worship bulletin. If you feel that you need to have a physical copy of the bulletin, one will be emailed out to you prior to the service that can be downloaded to a tablet or printed out at home.
We will once again offer online Communion via Zoom this Sunday at 11 am.
Our anticipated date for offering public gathering is September 27, 2020 at 10 am. Once we begin the public gatherings, we will move from a recorded Sunday service to a livestream service – more information to come in the weeks leading up to the 27th
We continue to have a mandatory face covering policy for all people that enter the building. There have not been any reported cases of non-compliance.
As we prepare to offer in-person gatherings, I encourage you to take the following survey here to let us know your intentions. Each week there will be an email sent out with the service bulletin, the readings, and a link to register. It is helpful for the usher team to have an idea of how many people will be coming (if you decide last minute to attend, and you have not registered, that is OK).
I hope and pray that you are doing well. I look forward to seeing you in person when we are able on Sundays. If you have any pastoral needs, please let me know. I am able to meet in person either at the church (we have a socially distant parlor setup) or in one of the beautiful Wilmington Parks.
May the peace of God be with you!
Pastor Jason