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We Are Called

Church: (noun) a building used for public Christian worship

Church: the English translation of the Greek word ekklesia, which means "called out."

Lent is brutal this year.

Lent is preparation for Easter. It's a chance for us to reflect on our sins and challenge ourselves to become better.

Lent this year is challenging us to be church.

We are a building left unused for worship.

But we are called to be church.

Our pantry remains open, with the help of church staff, volunteers, and food donors. Dozens of families each day have food to eat.

We are keeping in touch with our St. Stephen's family through mail, email, phone calls, and the website. Conversations are being opened between people.

We are serving each other by running errands and offering conversation and prayer. Physical distance does not have to mean isolation.

We have found ways to worship together through computers and telephones. We are gathered, even if it's remotely.

We have been called to be church. Not a church building, but a church community. We are a community called to care for each other, called to care for those in need, called to come together in worship in whatever form that may take.

We will muddle through this brutal Lent. And when we are able to come together again, we will celebrate a joyous and grand Easter!

- Ann Iona Warner

Please join Pastor Jason on Wednesday evening and Sunday morning for worship. The YouTube link, or call-in phone number, is emailed each week and can be found on the website. If you do not already receive email notices from St. Stephen's, you can sign up under the News tab on the website, or contact the church office.


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