The Table
Dear Friends at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church,
It was such an honor and a joy to worship with you on Sunday. I am filled with gratitude for the invitation to share a message and the opportunity to share such sacred space. May you continue to be a beacon of love and light, and a table of bread for your community and the world. I share a poem with you here that connects to the scriptures we explored together.
The Table
once a month I have the honor of gathering at a table
sometimes a literal table in a little room behind a stage
where the temperature is always too hot or too cold
yet the atmosphere just right
other times we sit in non-matching uncomfortable chairs in an imperfect circle
no table at all
it is here I receive a meal that sustains me
each time we come together I am in awe of all that has been prepared
I am served a plate piled high with the experiences and ideas of others
I am nourished and healthier simply for being in their presence
I drink from the cup of their wisdom
I am filled with courage and strength
and the desire to continue traveling my journey
with open eyes, an open mind, an open heart
open to miracles and magic
daily blessings and living bread
communion away from an altar
sacraments enhanced by their distance from the sanctuary
no one and everyone ordained to consecrate and participate
my spirit is fed as others taste the dish that I bring
even an unrefined recipe with missing ingredients
I sometimes worry the flavor is not their favorite
unpleasing to their palate
or that I have spiced it too heavily or not enough
their actions reflect what their words speak
I am not simply welcome, I belong
and when I’m not here my absence is noticed
neither shame nor condemnation are ever served
voicing questions and doubts is encouraged
when I do not understand it’s safe to ask
explanations come with patience and space to consider
no coercion or forced confessions
disagreements and differences bring no hostility
no possibility is beyond discussion
there is neither pressure nor obligation to consume more than I desire
or share more than I am able to offer
at this table I name who I have always been
and begin to forgive and embrace her
the invitation to be honest at this table
fills me to be authentic in other places
understanding what sustains me has changed me
feasting at this humble table
sitting in this perfectly imperfect circle
I catch glimpses of how I envision an eternal table will be
and with one more sampling I start to wonder
what if now is the only eternity we’ll ever know
Rebecca Wilson (she/her) is a queer poet and storyteller. Born and raised in Flint and rooted in Detroit, her work is driven by experiences in Michigan’s Vehicle and Motor Cities. With graceful and prophetic honesty, she skillfully shares her story of finding belonging and facing rejection in the church. She is uniquely gifted at drawing people together and guiding them to deeply reflect on their own experiences with faith and living water. Her first collection of poetry, Unraveling: Coming Out and Back Together, narrating a journey of coming out as lesbian and leaving ministry in the United Methodist Church, was published in April 2024. Visit to dive deeper into the movement she is stirring.