Sermon on the Mount
Sermon on the Mount
He spoke of the poor in spirit standing there on the mountain side Over 15,000 people would hear it this very simple spiritual guide About all those who mourn and the comfort that they shall find As the eight Beatitudes were born as Jesus so beautifully defined Jesus would go on to speak of many that are downcast in society As He spoke of the meek and their great inheritance they shall see And the thirst and hunger for righteousness how they will be filled Oh how the good Lord does bless all those who do what He willed And the merciful He also spoke of and how they too shall see mercy As Jesus conveyed that it would be love that would set every soul free In then speaking of the pure in heart for God Himself they shall see Being such a great place to start at least it was for many just like me Even the peacemakers He did not forget for they are all God's children Finally those, whom others will beset, as now all eight are contained within Oh to be there on that day looking at Jesus as He spoke from above In the revealing of His Way He imposed with His Father's great love By Vincent Flannery
Dedicated to Aunt Patsy and Sister Claire
(You can find Vincent’s poem, and others on Poetry Soup)
How profound it must have been to be there and hear the words of Christ. Profound on so many levels, profound because in this hearing you would have been the first to hear one of the greatest teachings in human history. If you listen quietly, you can still hear the words of Christ calling you into the love feed the love.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Jason