Your Personal Saints
I found this good enough to borrow.
This past Sunday on All Saints Sunday we and many others remembered our loved ones who have gone before us. In keeping with that spirit and of Thanksgiving, here are prompts to express gratitude to God for a now-departed saint who influenced your life.
Nov. 1 Mentored you in your work.
Nov. 2 Helped you grow in faith
Nov. 3 Gave tangible help during a difficult time
Nov. 4 Founded an institution or movement that is important to you
Nov. 5 Sowed tough love
Nov. 6 Coached you as you grew in skills and confidence
Nov. 7 Led a group that was significant in your formation
Nov. 8 Treated you like a sibling
Nov. 9 Introduced you to grief by their loss
Nov. 10 Wrote something that deeply moved you
Nov. 11 Did something for others in death that they couldn’t do in life
Nov. 12 Died before you could reconcile or reconnect with them
Nov. 13 Introduced you to a group/community
Nov. 14 Reminded you how to see the world as a child
Nov. 15 Advocated for you
Nov. 16 Showed you something key about yourself/your values by being your adversary
Nov. 17 Gave you a tangible object that continues to inspire you
Nov. 18 Parented or grand parented you
Nov. 19 Governed in a way that fostered trust and cooperation
Nov. 20 Took you somewhere life changing
Nov. 21 Made you feel seen in a time/place you felt invisible
Nov. 22 Trusted you with difficult but important knowledge
Nov. 23 Created art that speaks to your soul
Nov. 24 Let you ask your questions
Nov. 25 Pointed out your gifts
Nov. 26 Introduced you to a hobby
Nov. 27 Prayed for you
Nov. 27 Embodied the values to which you aspire
Nov. 29 Disagreed with you but still loved you
Nov. 30 Supported you emotionally through a low point
Pastor Mark Walters