Thank you!
It’s not the end of November when our culture calls us to reflect on all that we have to be thankful for. But I feel this strong urge to say thank you, judging that I don’t say it nearly enough. We all can thank Michele Torchia for that. Each week Michele begins the announcements by thanking everyone who played a leadership role in worship that morning. What a wonderful thing to do!
What a nice thing to do! Spirit simple. Always sincere. So, now it’s my turn.
Thank you
most especially to those who faithfully come to worship. Where would we be without you?
To all those who make worship happen
altar guild
assisting ministers
our extremely excellent call committee
our faithful council
all who tend to our needy building
all who are coming, all who are helping out at Peace of Pizza
Thank you!
I invite you to add in the comments the ones not listed above.
It’s not the end of November when our culture calls us to reflect on all that we have to be thankful for. But that’s part of the point. I’ve taken my turn. Now it’s yours.
Pastor Mark Walters