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Shameless Commerce Division

Today’s blog is brought to you by our Shameless Commerce Division. My friend, Pr. CJ Ransdell, is spearheading an Israel trip January 21-30, 2023. I am going, and a couple seats are still available. Having been on an archaeological dig, my standards for these things are pretty high, and this trip looks and sounds like a good one. To help make this a truly spiritual experience, at each site we’ll be given a Biblical reference and a summary of what God was doing in that place.

Everyone I know who has been to Israel says they read the Bible differently afterwards. In my case that’s because whenever I hear a place name, I see the place in my mind – and smell the smells and hear the sounds associated with it, because there are still pockets of Palestinian life that are very much like that of the time of Jesus.

I will do my best to connect us with Lutheran leaders in the Holy Land, including those at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem, the Victoria Hospital on the Mount of Olives, and leaders in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jerusalem and the Holy Land. That way, we can go not only as tourists, but also as pilgrims who have come to learn from those who live there. Not making any promises, but I do have a couple connections. Here are the particulars: Dates: Jan. 21-30, 2023 Cost: $4,192, includes airfare from Newark, breakfasts, dinners, hotel, tips, taxes, and fees. Deadline for signing up: I don’t know. Probably late September.

A brochure that spells everything out in great detail is available here. Peace, Mark Walters


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1301 N Broom Street, Wilmington, DE 19806



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