Living Into Our Mission

Matthew 7:12 – “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Galatians 5:22 - "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control"
It is impressive and inspiring to watch people act in the spirit of the command from Jesus and the wisdom of Paul without even thinking about what they are about to do. They just act. I have witnessed this many, many times at St. Stephen’s.
Last Sunday, during our annual meeting, a neighbor, Irene, joined the meeting and asked to say some words about her family situation. Her comments were very personal but were not connected at all to the agenda for the meeting. Nevertheless, as she spoke, Michele Torchia got up and went to her, stood next to her, and, by just being there, gave Irene silent support as she spoke. Michele then offered Irene food from our buffet table and sat with her while she ate. Michele told me later that Irene provided her with a “litany of kindnesses” she has received from St. Stephen’s and pointed out specific individuals who have shown her Christian love.
For many of the recent Sundays, John Gordon has helped the members of Abundant Life take their sound equipment from the narthex to the chancel. John has recognized there is a need for help, and he just pitches in to support our guests.
Last summer, the substitute piano player for our chapel worship service did not get to St. Stephen’s in time for the service. Ann Dransfield volunteered on the spot to play as much as she could to help with the hymns and liturgy that were sung. I doubt she expected to be playing the piano when she woke up that morning, but she just stepped up in a time of need.
There are so many more examples of our members reaching out to others with selfless acts of kindness. Our mission is To Love, To Invite, To Serve. By my observations, we are living into our mission.
Bob Linderman