
Anticipation - excitement - “I just can’t wait”
It seems like we are at this point in the pandemic of anticipation. The anticipation of getting your vaccine. The anticipation of this all ending and our lives beginning anew. The anticipation of Lent ending and the dawn of Easter.
What do you anticipate?
Perhaps going out to eat with your friends that you have only seen on the screen for the last year?
For me, the anticipation of return to in person worship opportunities is right up there with getting the vaccine. That is why I am looking forward to the small outdoor gathering on Palm Sunday around the steps of the church. A chance to see one another - safely distanced - before processing around the block with our palms. Then, Easter Sunday we will have another outside service (weather permitting) around the steps. Bring a chair to that one if you are planning on coming.
Each of these will prepare us for the return inside to our sanctuary on April 18, 2021. We will gather for our Holy Communion services once again. This time we will have a newly installed sound system and livestream camera - not the impossible to hear webcam that the pastor (me) had set up previously.
I think that the anticipation of what is next is real for so many of us.
What is it that you anticipate?
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Jason