For Your Comfort

I think that there are many of us that take air conditioning for granted. Craig and I live in a 124-year-old home (that’s rather young for the East Coast...sort of old from where we come from) and have to admit...there are times in the summer where we could not cut it if we did not have an air conditioning unit to keep the humidity down. In the 1980’s I remember when Sears came out to install the family’s first air conditioner - though I do not remember what it was like before the unit was connected.
For the sake of survival this summer, St. Stephen’s will be worshiping in the chapel. From the results of the survey, the congregation seems interested in having a Wednesday offering followed by either adding a second Sunday service and leaving things as is. Since there is energy in a Wednesday option we will begin exploring what that would look like as the summer progresses, but for now, we will be worshiping at 10 am in the chapel...safely out of the steamy sanctuary and in the cool breeze of the air conditioner.
There are those who are excited and there are those who are not too thrilled.
One of the most common disappointments in the chapel that I have heard is that it is not as contemplative and spiritually inspiring as the sanctuary. That is true. That is true of most modern/contemporary worship spaces and churches. They are void of the contemplative objets d'art, the religious inspired architecture and the feeling of worshiping with the Communion of Saints.
However, what if we create that space for ourselves in the chapel? Simply by being present, praying and singing we can fill that space with holy noise. After all, is it not said in the Psalms “make a joyful noise unto the Lord?” Our services will be kept upbeat in both tone and sound. The space will have in it many appointments from the sanctuary to help us find that contemplative and spiritual connection to our faith. Our prayer chapel will even be available for those who want a quiet moment in the library (and obviously it will also be open in the sanctuary should you wish to have an even more quiet space). I hope that you join us for the summer this year and see how we can learn and hear the message of Christ and his people.