Lenten Journey
Today, we are invited to the “discipline of Lent—self-examination and repentance, prayer and fasting, sacrificial giving and works of love—strengthened by the gifts of word and sacrament.” The invitation, part of the Ash Wednesday liturgy, is an intentional message for the church universal to turn towards a discipline that is very different from the rest of the year. We are invited to take a look at our reflection in the mirror and examine our lives as we prepare for the glorious Easter morning awaiting us after our journey to the cross.
For many folks, giving something up is part of their Lenten journey. Giving up that trip to the coffee shop before work, bringing a bag lunch instead of going out to eat, staying in for dinner and skipping the restaurant.
A parishioner at the church brought up this idea that “what if we could use the money we save on things we give up to help lower the deficit...you know, put a dent in it for Lent.” So, with that thought, I invite you to ‘put a dent in it for Lent.’
As we consider how we may spend our time on this journey, please pray for the church. Please pray for each other. If you are so moved to give something up, please prayerfully consider if you might be able to help us chip away at the deficit this year. In all things, please take this time to sit with yourself and be in touch with the Holy all around you.
May your journey to the cross with Christ this Lent be Holy and blessed.
Godspeed on this journey,
Pastor Jason Churchill