Lent: A Time for Self-Reflection

I have been assured that Lent comes, and it comes every year. Usually earlier than this year. Yet, it still comes as a surprise to me each year - and it will probably always be this way. Lent, coupled with Holy Week, is one of the busier (if not the busiest) time of year for clergy and church staff (so be kind to Kanchalee!).
Even though this seems to have snuck up on me, I cannot help but keep my mind set towards this very sacred time of the church.
This Ash Wednesday we are going to hear the Lenten Invitation from the church:
“I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word.”
Self-examination, repentance, prayer….
All rather inward focused, even if we choose to fast and deny ourselves (the old question, what are you giving up for Lent?), the purpose is to focus on ourselves.
What better chance than to take this Lent to be better stewards of one of God’s greatest gifts - you.
When God called us into being through our births, we have been given a responsibility to care for ourselves - a responsibility that sometimes goes undone.
For Lent, I further invite you to a time of self reflection and self care.
What has been missing from your self care?
What do you wish you had more time for?
How can you be a better steward of yourself?
Take the questions seriously and enter into communal conversation. There will be time on Wednesdays and Sundays, time with your friends and family, and time with your church family if needed outside of worship opportunities.
We know this is a time when we hear a lot about the suffering of Christ. Make no mistake, Christ knew and loved you...lived and died for you...and it is not selfish for you to seek out a better more healthier you.
Together, let us prepare for a holy Lent, a sacred time, and a time when we can become even better stewards, this time, of ourselves.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Jason