Physical isolation vs Social Isolation
Warning - there might be some endorsement for social media to follow
Dear friends, how are you doing with this ‘social isolation?’ I was at the eye doctor yesterday and they had signs instructing patients to sit every other seat for "social isolation." I spoke to some members of the church who are practicing "social isolation" on the phone and a dear friend in Spain through WhatsApp while in quarantine…or forced "social isolation."
Tonight the LEAD team will be meeting electronically and this morning I had a class online.
The Pacem in Terris Board is not meeting in the Chapel on Thursday for the Board meeting, rather we will be meeting via Zoom.
All of these isolations have one thing in common…and it’s not what you may be thinking. All have been very social albeit isolated. I think what we really are practicing is rather physical isolation. Even the introverts among us are reaching out through text message and email.
What I am trying to say is that yes…we need to keep distance…but what we do not need to do is isolate ourselves from the world when we have so many different ways to connect. Perhaps it might be time to try FaceTime for the first time. Maybe an actual phone call to someone in lieu of a text message. There are beautiful videos of people coming out at the same time in the evening in Italy and singing…my friend in Spain said that every night at 8:00 PM people open their windows and stand on their porches and clap and cheer for the medical professionals, emergency workers, police and grocers.
Here are ways that St. Stephen’s will participate in physical isolation while offering a social connection to the community:
Your Church Council, Caring Friends and LEAD team will make wellness calls to members of the congregation. If you have not given your information or have changes we should know about, now is the time! Email
With the help of Kanchalee, I will upload a video of Compline every Wednesday night at 7:30 PM. Check the website (Kanchalee has made it simple to follow messages from me, the CDC and to view current and past worship videos).
Every Sunday we will have Morning Prayer uploaded as well.
I will update the church regularly through email and social media. I am available for calls and text messages.
We have a system in place to assist our members in shopping and picking up of pharmaceuticals. If you are unable or not comfortable going to the store, please call Kanchalee at 302-652-7623 or email with your specific needs and a volunteer will come to your home with your items. All you need do is have a check written for the total cost.
And I and your church leaders will pray.
Please do not feel alone at this time. We are here to be church in this new frontier of uncertainty. One thing is for certain though…the love of Christ is always with you…as in my love for you.
Peace and health,
Pr Jason