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Racism in America

It's not too late to participate in this important presentation and discussion.  Although the classes started on Sunday, February 21, the first five of the six sessions are available to watch at the links below so you can catch up and be ready for session #6 this Sunday, March 28 at 1 pm.  The next session's topic is "Mass Incarceration And The War On Drugs."


Click here to watch the first session, The Early Years.


Click here to watch the second session, Slavery By Another Name.


Click here to watch the third session - Public Policy And The Civil Rights Movement.


        Click here to watch the fourth session - Mass Incarceration And The War On Drugs

        Click here to watch the fifth session - Voter Suppression - Then And Now.


Plan to join the dialogue and educational opportunity with Sue Linderman. Sue says that "I’ve had a lifelong interest in history and was a Political Science/History major in college, yet I didn’t discover until 3-4 years ago that I was missing a significant portion of our country’s history.  In my experience, American history classes stopped with the Civil War and a bit of Reconstruction, with those darn carpetbaggers, and picked up again sometime after WWII.  Much of the racial turmoil in our country today can be traced directly to elements of our history, even before the founding of the United States.  Many of the racial stereotypes we hear – or hold – are a direct consequence of intentional economic and public policy.  Understanding this history gives us a foundation for action to address the profound inequities that exist in our society today."


Click here to read more about Sue and the course. 


At the Sunday sessions, we are joined by members and friends at St. Phillip's and other Wilmington churches.


Click here to join the Zoom meeting for the live Sunday sessions.

Meeting ID: 880 7356 2882
Passcode: 817120

To phone into the Zoom meeting, find a phone number here.



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