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Sing for Joy

Sing for life, for love, for light;

Sing for friends who stay your side

Sing for tears, sing for joy.

Sing for hope, sing for home.

Sing for moon and sun that shine.

Sing for touch and time.

Sing for tears,

Sing for joy.

Shout for joy!

 Psallite, Kyle Pederson


It is time for music. It is always time for music.


On December 10, St. Stephen’s hosted the winter concert for the Music School of Delaware. On the 17th we hosted another wonderful concert as part of our church’s concert series. Joyout, beautiful music sounded throughout our sanctuary.


It is the season for music. Advent music is written to evoke waiting and promise. Christmas music becomes loud and joyous.


On December 24 we will observe the 4th Sunday of Advent, where our music remains hopeful and anticipatory. That evening and on December 31 we will celebrate Jesus’ arrival with familiar Christmas songs and stories.


The words at the beginning of this blog are from a song called Psallite. It was the opening piece sung by the women's choruses of the Music School of Delaware. The song was written for a 2016 concert commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Holocaust when 1.5 million Armenians died at the hands of the Ottoman government.


The composer’s notes about the piece say “Psallite is an invitation to the listener (and singer) to be grateful and hold on to those gifts we are given, even when horrific things happen. The text affirms we can lift up love, friendship, touch, home – these will always give hope – and these will always provide reason to sing.”


Bob Linderman’s blog several weeks ago noted that it is sometimes easy to listen to music without necessarily paying attention to the words. Bob wrote:  “As you sing or hum or listen to the hymns, let the words leave an impression in your mind. And, let the music that announces that Christ is coming provide you with peace and happiness.”

I will go one step further and invite you to:

Sing for life, for love, for light;

Sing for friends who stay your side

Sing for tears, sing for joy.

Sing for hope, sing for home.

Sing for moon and sun that shine.

Sing for touch and time.

Sing for tears,

Sing for joy.


Please join us for church and singing for joy on December 24. 

4th Sunday of Advent, 9:30 am

Christmas Eve, 7 pm


Ann Iona Warner


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