
Thank you to all who made our Easter celebration such a joyous event! Each and every week a team of dedicated people work to make sure worshippers are welcomed, worship is broadcast, Communion is prepared, the pastor isn’t lonely up front, visitors are greeted and made welcome, the heat works, etc., etc. I don’t say Thank You enough, so let me do so now.

Now, on to this Easter season. Did you know that in the Church calendar Easter is not a day, not a week, but a week of weeks? Yep, the Easter season lasts seven weeks.

We think of Lent as a time of spiritual renewal. And it is. But what about this week of weeks? How can you help make this also a time of spiritual renewal for yourself?

Some ideas:

First, worship. Every Sunday is a little Easter. The forgiveness of sin and the resurrection are proclaimed in Communion. We sing "This Is the Feast." We need to hear these words again and again in this world where sin and death are so prominent.

Second, recognize, rejoice in, and celebrate new life. Yes, Spring is a sign of that and, boy, am I glad it’s finally here. But even more moving (at least to me) are relationships reconciled, lives transformed, the hungry fed, the refugee welcomed. This is Jesus at work.

Third, pay attention to where Jesus is at work in you, in others you know, in the world. Easter is about a whole new creation. Where do you see signs of that breaking out?

Fourth, Fifth, etc.

Time to Refresh....

Go on a Retreat....

Be of Service....

Immerse Yourself in Nature....

Start a New Morning Ritual....

Observe a Sabbath ...

Read a Spiritual Text.

What would be most helpful to you?


Pastor Mark Walters
